Content creation is one of the most common digital marketing strategies to reach new users. Thus, companies obtain more contacts or potential clients, and these can solve their doubts with educational material. But, to enrich both parties, the brand must plan its content marketing campaign from the first step.
In this sense, defining a content creation framework is similar to establishing an editorial plan. Even so, the framework offers complete planning by considering all the elements related to content marketing: steps, tasks, and tools. Instead, the editorial plan focuses on producing materials without including dissemination as part of the content creation process.
Therefore, if your company can benefit from this business strategy to achieve its long-term goals, keep reading this article before you start writing on your blog.
Five steps to designing a frame
Planning to be helpful, it must be comprehensive. Therefore, designing a content creation framework is divided into five fundamental parts that feed into each other. Let’s see them one by one:
Think about what content you will offer
Conceptualizing your strategy means establishing a clear thematic offer and original ideas that differentiate you from the competition. To do this, you can research your competitor’s content to get inspired and find opportunities, always keeping keywords in mind.
In addition, it is essential to create content for each stage of the buyer’s journey: attraction, interaction, conversion, and delight. Remember that a new contact on the web is looking for different content than a regular customer.
Organize content on a schedule
Considering your SMART goals. You can determine what content to publish and when. To do this, think about the buyer’s journey: if your purpose is to get more contacts, then focus on the attraction phase. Set a realistic schedule with your company’s resources to create quality content that adds value to users. Do not get carried away by haste or ambition.
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Establish the work path of each content
This step consists of clarifying the workflow that will entail the creation of content from the idea to its publication. You create a routine that you can adapt according to your experience to speed up and improve the process. Here the documentation process, the initial scheme or index, the draft, the edition, the layout or the design, etc., comes into play. In addition, you have to consider who will be in charge of each task.
Design the content correction and optimization method
Although this step is sometimes ignored, it is just as important as the rest. Reviewing the content is essential to correct errors or improve some deficiencies. It also serves to keep all the company’s content unified and give the user a more professional and reliable vision.
Who likes to come across a misspelling? In this sense, the correction should be made by someone else who created the content. This step also optimizes the content for search engines through the SEO techniques you have agreed to use.
Store content
Finally, as you publish content, in whatever format or channel, it is essential to organize it. In this way, you will create a library of all your material that you can consult so that, in the future, you can recycle it. Additionally, it serves as a database that will help you avoid creating identical content. In this sense, the best way to store all publications is to create a single naming system where, for example, the format, the stage of the buyer’s journey to which it is directed, the campaign it belongs to, and the year are indicated.
Tasks Involved in Content Creation
Each step in planning the framework is linked to one or two inseparable tasks of content marketing. In turn, these should be carried out by different and specialized workers, so your strategy will be carried out by a more or less large team, but always organized and never overloaded with work. Let’s see the five tasks that you should take into account in the formation of your team:
Content management and strategy
It is about directing all the campaign actions to guarantee its proper functioning. Therefore, the long-term plan is created here, and the final results are analyzed. The professional in charge of this task is the content manager, an expert in content marketing, and is considered the team leader.
This task can be performed by a single person or multiple writers, depending on the scope of the campaign. In this sense, they can be someone other than experts in the field since their task is to investigate, talk to the rest of the company’s team and create informative and educational content. It is also quite common to outsource writing and hire freelancers.
Like writing, this task can be handled by an in-house specialist, a freelancer, or, as a last resort, a content marketing worker with extensive writing knowledge. The objective is to receive an assessment from someone outside the strategy to improve it and get a different opinion. Remember that, in addition to the spelling and stylistic correction of the text, you also have to check the SEO positioning.
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Having a designer will make your campaign more attractive and enjoyable. The decision to continue consuming content is often made in a few seconds and depends on the visual design centered on the user. In this sense, it does not matter if the content is fantastic: if the plan does not match the quality of the text, only some people will bother to read it.
Although the editorial plan does not take it into account, the content distribution is also part of the strategy and must be planned. For this, the company needs a community manager or a person in charge of the company’s corporate communication. In this sense, it is beneficial to carry out a dissemination plan.
Tools necessary for content creation
To advance in each step of the process and develop each task successfully, your company must handle some essential tools that we discuss below:
CMS. It is a content management system, that is, the platform where you will organize the content of your website. Two of the best-known are WordPress and HubSpot, but you can research others to find the right one for your business. In this other article, we compile the four best ones.
Calendar. To keep the work up to date, control the objectives and organize all the teams, it is essential to establish a calendar that can be accessed by all those involved. You can download our template to create calendars in content marketing here.
Metrics. As with any marketing campaign, it is necessary to monitor the results and a final check of the objectives. To do this, you can use the metrics that your CMS offers. In addition, you can check what metrics we consider essential in an online marketing strategy.
Internal communication tools. The goal is to ensure effective conversations between teams and among all the people in charge of moving content creation forward. Two examples of tools for professional communication are Slack or Discord.
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