Google’s Play Movies & TV bids farewell to Android TV users as the company pushes its focus towards Google TV. In a move signaling the end of an era for Android TV users, Google has officially announced the discontinuation of its Play Movies & TV application on this platform.
The decision comes after several years of gradual phasing out, first with the introduction of Google TV as a more feature-rich alternative and, more recently, with the integration of the “Buy” tab on other Android TV devices. Google has set the fateful date for the application’s retirement as October 5, 2023.
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In a communication sent to owners of Android TV devices, Google officially designated October 5, 2023, as the date when the Play Movies & TV application will cease to be accessible on the platform. The correspondence conveyed that the app “will cease to be accessible on your Android TV device,” while also assuring users that they can opt to “persist in buying or renting movies” directly via the “Store” tab. This alternative avenue for accessing content makes sense, especially since Google introduced the “Buy” tab in June, foreshadowing this eventual move.
The phasing out of Google Play Movies & TV began back in 2020 with the emergence of Google TV, offering a newer and more robust platform alternative. A year later, Play Movies & TV also bid adieu to other devices like Roku and smart TVs. Subsequently, Google phased out the Play Movies & TV section from Google Play on phones and tablets in favor of Google TV. Despite its limitations in displaying owned content on TV devices, Google TV has maintained a visually appealing interface.
The email sent to users contained the following message:
“So, on October 5th, the Google Play Movies & TV app will somehow vanish. This might be through an Android TV or Google Play update, but either way, Google bids you farewell. As someone who regularly uses the app to watch purchased content, this stings a bit.
Farewell, Play Movies & TV.”
The move reflects Google’s ongoing efforts to streamline its product offerings and focus on the growth of Google TV, providing users with an enhanced and consolidated entertainment experience. As Android TV users prepare to bid adieu to Play Movies & TV, many will look to the future and the evolving landscape of digital entertainment platforms.
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