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How to Find and Hire Next.js Developers for Your Project

Next.js is a React framework for developing single page JavaScript applications. The benefits of this framework are numerous for both your application and your development team. Next.js developers help build websites, especially static websites.

This framework was specially developed to create server-side rendered static React apps. Server-side rendering (SSR) is a valuable feature for many developers.

SSR allows applications to rely on a web server to display the content of a web page rather than on the browser or client side. These speeds up page loading, improves user experience and SEO, and improves search rankings.

Why Use Next.js?

Next.js can build SSRs and static web applications. The benefits of SSR are easy to understand, but why would you want to build a static website? There are several reasons here.

Speed: The less complex your website, the faster it will load. Static websites are 10 times faster than dynamic websites. Visitors expect speed, regardless of whether the page has a lot of videos. According to a survey, 47% of users expect a website to load within 2 seconds, and 40% of users do not expect to wait more than 3 seconds.

SEO: Search engine optimization is the way your website is recognized on the web. Ranking higher will increase the number of clicks and leads. The faster the content loads, the more material web crawlers need to crawl and evaluate your website. And, as you know, static websites are fast.

Resources: Static websites rely on simple HTML files that require less hosting space. This is a cheap way to protect your company’s budget. Dynamic websites also require more maintenance. Keeping up with web traffic can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to scalability. Static websites allow you to give your business a reputation and brand without sacrificing all your resources.

Security: Static site generation generates all the assets needed for your website during the build. There is no server-side or intermediary. Simply put, there is no intermediary that malicious hackers can use to find vulnerabilities.

Next.js Main Features

  • File-system routing
  • Pre-rendering: static generation and server-side rendering
  • Automated compilation and bundling
  • Automatic code splitting
  • Built-in CSS and Sass support
  • Support of all CSS-in-JS libraries
  • TypeScript support
  • Fast Refresh support
  • API routes
  • Extendability

Advantages of Using Next.js

  • Re-rendering: Next.js provides two rendering formats to speed up page loading. Server-side rendering (SSR) re-renders the page in HTML for each request on the server. It takes longer to load than SSG, but the data is constantly updated. With Static Site Generation (SSG), the page is also re-rendered in HTML on the server, but  to be precise, it is re-rendered before the request at creation time.
  • Automatic code splitting: With automatic code splitting, your app loads only the code bundles you need, depending on your requirements. Significantly reduce page load times and improve app performance.
  • Hot Module Replacement (HMR): Replacing the hot module allows developers to see all the changes made in the app live. In addition, it reloads only the changed modules, significantly reducing the time it takes to see the changes in action. This also means less development time.
  • Compatibility: Next.js can be integrated with common development technologies like React.js, Node.js, and other JavaScript ecosystems because of its extreme compatibility.
  • SEO-friendliness: Next.js allows front-end developers to create very powerful, indexable and crawlable web applications.
  • Simplicity: Next.js eliminates the need for many configurations and allows front-end developers to quickly immerse themselves in development. Overall, the framework is easy to use and facilitates a rapid development process.

What Is a Next.js Developer?

Next.js developers are software developers who use the Next.js framework with ReactJS to build web applications. As a web developer, Next.js developers have a basic knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

By definition, the Next.js developer must also be a ReactJS developer, as the framework was developed to complement ReactJS. ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript framework and library for creating user interfaces (UIs).

In a sense, Next.js developers can be categorized as full stack developers. Some people call the framework itself the middle end. This is because ReactJS specializes in UI development, which is a front-end structure. And Next.js mixes the server side and the client side.

Responsibilities of a Next.js Developer

  • The developer should be familiar with the following concepts: universal applications, static pre-rendering (server-side rendering), and code splitting
  • Node.js expertise as a backend architecture
  • Next.js expertise as a front-end architect
  • Extensive background on working and developing with ReactJS
  • Reliable ability to create responsive and well-structured web application UI

Process of Next.js developer hiring

The process of hiring a Next.js developer takes time. To speed up this process, we recommend that you follow these steps:

  • Create a list of all the project requirements first.
  • After a thorough investigation and analysis of your requirements, you can define the size of your team, create a list of deliverables, and a roadmap for your project.
  • Based on this information, HR and technical specialists will select the best candidates for the project.
  • Collect their resumes and portfolios and organize video interviews.
  • Once all candidates are approved, continue the workflow with smooth integration with your existing dedicated team.
  • Provides all the tools needed to ensure effective work relationships and corporate culture compliance.

Where to find remote software developers

As this lack of skills and staffing challenges escalate, software and product developers are faced with the need to find remote workers at offshore and nearshore destinations. Consider other configuration options. Before choosing the Remote Software Engineer option, you need to know more about the best countries and percentages of software developers to outsource your technology talent in 2021.

Learn as much as you can about the IT market and choose the best hiring model for your project.

Traditional outsourcing

One of the most important options most hiring managers think about is the traditional outsourcing model.

Many software development companies outsource talents and have partners and sales offices all over the world. Most outsourcing software development agencies can provide developers with a dedicated project manager for their team, both back-end and front-end.

High-quality Freelancers

Besides outsourcing, the next most obvious choice for finding software developers is to look for freelance networks like UpWork, TopTal, and more. There are many freelancers for hire.

However, anyone who has hired a freelancer will find that there are many risks and disadvantages associated with it:

  • Freelancers never work on a single project. They sign up for multiple projects at once.
  • Trying to form a remote team using freelancers is a bad idea.
  • If communication skills become a barrier with the freelancer that is not going to help you.
  • You might lose the quality of the project
  • The delivery of the project might not be on time

If we add all these risks together, we get a high and sometimes unacceptable level of risk.

Remote Contracting Sites

Over the past few years, the number of job boards where developers can apply to work remotely has increased dramatically.

These sites often provide:

  • Access to the resume of a developer who wants to work remotely
  • Offer thoroughly vetted teams of software engineers ensuring that only top performers are on the list. This is one of the proven ways by which the quality risks are reduced substantially.
  • It allows clients to find a software developer based on their requirement of soft skills, and knowledge of programming languages and experience.

Example of such a remote contracting site is mentioned below:

  • Optymize is an elite community of remote developers. They focus on scaling product teams overnight with the right engineers. They have clients that also include Fortune 500 companies. Optymize provide solutions for most of the software development process, right from hiring the top-skilled engineers to onboarding them within 48 hours.


Hiring the most effective Next.js programmers is often difficult and tedious. For the first time, you want to find the right candidate, an intelligent, responsible and experienced specialist, or have a hard time getting your project on track.

Developing a top-notch programming team is not easy and finding the ideal candidate can be difficult. Also, the longer the hiring process, the longer it takes to scale up a small business.

Finding the right developer for your organization is important. Use the methods mentioned above in order to hire the best Next.js.


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